Information For Reviewers

CAPPADOCIA: JOURNAL OF HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES is a double blind peer-reviewed journal published online. The editorial board is recruiting reviewers for the journal. Please note that it is a voluntary activity and hence no financial remuneration will be given to the reviewers. The language of the work can be English, German, French, Turkish and any other language that is accepted by editors. The medium of the work is internet. Reviewer’s name and affiliation will be listed in the printed journal and on the journal’s webpage. 

Editors send submitted article to the at least two editors via our Article Following System. If an article gets one positive and one negative revievision, Editor send article to one more referee for an extra thought.


Referees revies the articles in these titles below:

1) Structural and logical coherence of the study

2) Title, sub-title and content coherence of the article

3) Suitability of the article in terms of language and expression

4) Whether abstract includes aim, method and results of the study or not

5) Suitability of the used methods in the paper.

6) Whether presentation of the results are discussed scientifically or not

7) Relevance and validity of the suggestions and assessments

8) Sufficiency of chart, shape and image

9) Up-to-dateness of related litterateur and usage of sources

10) Originality of the article

11) Contribution of the study to its related field

Referee can communicate with editor(s) and Author can reach to editor(s) by sending message about suggestions and extra warnings via our Article Following Sysyem on the web site.

Referees can add necessary corrections about the article to the Article Following System.